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Sleep support for before and and after bringing home baby

 Because life changes quickly, and you deserve support!

Whether you are expecting, or recently welcomed a new baby, CONGRATULATIONS!  


Bringing home your new baby is such a joyous occasion! The first few weeks at home seem to go by in a whirlwind. â€‹It might feel like your life revolves around feeding the baby, changing the baby, and trying to get the baby the sleep! The hardest part seems to come at night, which means that nobody in the house is getting the sleep they need. Babies are born nocturnal after all, and it can take some time and effort to reverse that!


Coming up with a plan to get your whole family better, and longer quality stretches of sleep can seem like an overwhelming task. This guide is here to simplify newborn/infant sleep for you, so you can avoid Google, Facebook Groups, and the endless number of baby books! Everything you need to know is right here!


This Guide will leave you with...

✓An understanding of how to implement a simple sleep routine 

✓Confidence to create an age appropriate schedule

✓Multiple tips on how to calm and comfort your newborn

✓The knowledge of how to set up the sleep space

✓An in-depth look into night feedings, and how to know if your baby is ready to drop them

✓Expert insights on how to approach the pacifier, swaddling, safe sleep, wake windows and more!

✓The ability to create a foundation of healthy sleep habits that can carry you forward as your baby grows

… With our guidance, it will be a breeze!

Still have questions? We are here to answer them!

Mother Holding Baby Finger


Do you use Cry it Out (CIO) methods?

Nope! There are many other effective sleep training methods that aren’t so intense. My goal within sleep training is to build trust between you and your babe, and I personally don’t believe CIO accomplishes that.

Am I capable of this as a parent?

Absolutely! Without a doubt, you can support your baby to have the healthy sleep habits you’re all looking for. The transformations in the parents are almost as big as the transformation in the babies.

Will There Be Tears?

That being said, you can expect that your sweet babe will shed a few tears during this process. Your baby’s only way of protesting is through crying, so any sleep change will be an adjustment.

We will be with you every step of the way!
It's time to feel like you again.

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