Too tired for life these days?
We help exhausted parents lovingly support their little one to create healthy sleep habits that give everyone their much needed sleep.
Spending months and years feeling completely worn out is no way to live! While some sleep interruptions come with the territory of having kids, you don’t have to be operating in survival mode.
Your whole house getting the sleep they need is seriously life changing! Everyone is feeling their best, and able to do more than the bare minimum. You get to leave behind the dread of being awake every single night, and welcome that freedom of knowing that you’ll have your evenings for some well-deserved “me time”, or go out and not worry about how your little one is sleeping (or not!) for the sitter.
Don’t you miss that?
You’re not YOU when you’re exhausted. Feeling like you have no mental space for anything more than just getting by in life, and you’re not showing up for your kids, partner, friends, or boss like
you used to. It’s a hard place to be! But we'll show you how to say goodbye to all of that.
Counting Sheep
Taking you from exhausted and unsure, to rested and confident in your child’s sleep.
I believe that effective child sleep is powerful. I believe that you can’t show up well in every aspect of your busy life when you don’t have the rest to fuel you. And I believe that a rested little one makes for a happy mama.
I love seeing the transformation that happens when all of our clients realize their babe really can sleep well independently, and that they are capable of guiding that with confidence.

I want this for you too! Every parent deserves to feel capable in effectively helping their little one’s sleep, and to get that glorious rest themselves. You weren’t meant to exist on caffeine and adrenaline, and you certainly don’t have to keep living that way. I’m here to pull you out of that awful brain fog!
There’s no doubt you love your child, but sometimes the fatigue gets to you and you miss the ease of your old life. One where you got enough sleep and could leave the house without worrying about what’s going on at home. I get it! Sleep training was a complete game changer for both Amanda and I, and it really benefitted our physical and mental health. If that’s something you’re looking for, I know it can help you too!
I can help your little one sleep using effective methods that don’t feel scary! So, say goodbye to your feelings of dread, anxiety, and guilt when you work with me. This is a safe place!
I believe that the little things are actually the big things. So, things like making sure you are 1000% comfortable with the sleep plan, going the extra mile to support you, and actually enjoying working together are things that don’t get overlooked.
Ready to know more?

Kind Words
Hands down the best thing we could have done for us and our daughter was to connect with Jane!
“Hands down the best thing we could have done for us and our daughter was to connect with Jane! She was helpful, supportive, incredibly knowledgeable, and optimistic. I would recommend her 10 times over. Truly an amazing support for new moms who need a little extra help with their baby’s sleep!”
- Nancy K